The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

Anka Plugin

ankaGetSaveImageResult: Wait for previous save image requests results

  • shouldFail : boolean
  • timeoutMinutes : int

createDynamicAnkaNode: create dynamic anka node

  • masterVmId : String (optional)
  • SSHPort : int (optional)
  • credentialsId : String (optional)
  • deleteLatest : boolean (optional)
  • description : String (optional)
  • dontAppendTimestamp : boolean (optional)
  • environments (optional)
      Array / List of Nested Object
    • name : String
    • value : String
  • extraArgs : String (optional)
  • group : String (optional)
  • javaArgs : String (optional)
  • jnlpJenkinsOverrideUrl : String (optional)
  • jnlpTunnel : String (optional)
  • keepAliveOnError : boolean (optional)
  • labelString : String (optional)
  • launchDelay : int (optional)
  • launchMethod : String (optional)
  • mode (optional)
  • nameTemplate : String (optional)
  • numberOfExecutors : int (optional)
  • priority : int (optional)
  • pushTag : String (optional)
  • remoteFS : String (optional)
  • retentionStrategy (optional)
      Nested Choice of Objects
    • agent-maintenance
      Take this agent offline during dedicated time windows, e.g. due to maintenance activities. Outside of an active maintenance window, the "Regular Availability" is applied.
      Exact behaviour what to do with running builds can be individually defined for each maintenanance window.
      • regularRetentionStrategy
        • Type: hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy<hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer>
    • $class: 'AlmostAlways'
      • always
        • $class: 'AzureVMCloudOnceRetentionStrategy'
          • $class: 'AzureVMCloudPoolRetentionStrategy'
            • retentionInHours : int
              Retention time define the time of hour before automatically deleting since the agent created. Specify 0 means agents won't be deleted automatically.
            • poolSize : int
              Pool size define the number of agent you want to maintain.
          • azureVMCloudRetentionStrategy
            • idleTerminationMinutes : int
          • $class: 'ContainerIdleRetentionStrategy'
            • idleMinutes : int
          • $class: 'ContainerOnceRetentionStrategy'
            • demand
              • inDemandDelay : long
              • idleDelay : long
            • $class: 'DockerCloudRetentionStrategy'
              • idleMinutes : int
                Number of minutes of idleness after which to kill the slave; serves a backup in case the strategy fails to detect the end of a task
            • $class: 'DockerSwarmAgentRetentionStrategy'
              • timeout : int
            • $class: 'IdleTimeCloudRetentionStrategy'
              • idleMinutes : int
            • demand
              • inDemandDelay : long
              • idleDelay : long
              • conflictsWith : String (optional)

                Optional regular expression (or string in trivial case) with name(s) of node(s) whose being online blocks the current node from starting.

                To properly take advantage of this, be sure to set low idleDelay timeout values for those other workers that no longer have work pending.

                Note that conflict is evaluated one way ("should this node start if inDemandDelay has elapsed?"), so all nodes in question should declare each other as conflicting -- e.g. by copying the regular expression, if such node names follow the same pattern. In any case, a node would not conflict with itself even if there is a match.

                As with other regular expressions, "negative look-ahead" can be used to exclude certain results from the following matching pattern, e.g.:


                This setting allows a Jenkins deployment to co-locate various pre-defined or otherwise provisioned build environments without overwhelming their host -- and instead permits round-robining, one by one.

            • schedule
              • startTimeSpec : String
              • upTimeMins : int
              • keepUpWhenActive : boolean
            • $class: 'VSphereCloudRetentionStrategy'
              • idleMinutes : int
            • $class: 'com.github.kostyasha.yad.strategy.DockerOnceRetentionStrategy'
              • idleMinutes : int
                Number of minutes of idleness after which to kill the slave; serves a backup in case the strategy fails to detect the end of a task
            • $class: 'com.nirima.jenkins.plugins.docker.strategy.DockerOnceRetentionStrategy'
              • idleMinutes : int
                Number of minutes of idleness after which to kill the agent; serves a backup in case the strategy fails to detect the end of a task
              • numberOfTasksInProgress : int (optional)
              • terminateOnceDone : boolean (optional)
            • ankaRunOnceCloud
              • idleMinutes : int
            • $class: 'io.jenkins.plugins.orka.RunOnceCloudRetentionStrategy'
              • idleMinutes : int
            • $class: 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.vsphere.RunOnceCloudRetentionStrategy'
              • idleMinutes : int
          • saveImage : boolean (optional)
          • suspend : boolean (optional)
          • tag : String (optional)
          • templateDescription : String (optional)
          • templateId : String (optional)
          • timeout : int (optional)
          • vcpu : int (optional)
          • vram : int (optional)

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