The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

PingCode Plugin

pingcodeBuildRecord: Send build result to pingcode

  • defaultSummary : String (optional)
  • failOnError : boolean (optional)
  • overviewPattern : String (optional)
  • resultURL : String (optional)
  • specifiedWorkItems : String (optional)
  • status : String (optional)

pingcodeDeployRecord: Send deploy result to pingcode

  • releaseName : String
  • environmentName : String
  • failOnError : boolean (optional)
  • isTagged : boolean (optional)
  • releaseURL : String (optional)
  • specifiedWorkItems : String (optional)
  • status : String (optional)

step([$class: 'PCBuildNotifier']): PingCode: create build record

  • overview : String (optional)
    A regular expression is used to match the result summary in the build output for display in PingCode.

    For example: The following is part of the build output in Jenkins:

    # utilities ✓ #PLM-1239 isSha, input '0-9a-fA-F' * 40, true
    ✓ #PLM-1239 isSha, input '0-9a-fA-F' * 39, false
    ✓ #PLM-1239 isSha, input '0-9a-fA-F' * 41, false
    ✓ #PLM-1239 isSha, input ' ' + '0-9a-fA-F' * 39, false
    ✓ #PLM-1239 isSha, input '0-9a-fA-F' * 39 + ' ', false
    ✓ #PLM-1239 isSha, input '0-9a-fA-F' * 1 + '0-9a-fA-F ' * + '0-9a-fA-F' * 1, true

    720 passing (10s)

    If you want to display the line 720 passing (10s) on PingCode Agile Project, you need to enter ^.*passing in the input box. PingCode jenkins plugin will match this line from the build result according to your input regular expression and send it to PingCode.

  • defaultSummary : String (optional)
    If no information can be matched from the result logs, this value will be sent by default.
  • resultURL : String (optional)
    A url of result for display in pingcode. if empty, the jenkins console result url will be used.
    You can use environment variables for dynamic variable substitution in the url.
    For example: http://jenkins-host/result-${BUILD_ID}, which means that the url is dynamically generated using the BUILD_ID. All environment variables injected by the plugin can be used. If the environment variable does not exist, the source character will be retained.
  • specifiedWorkItems : String (optional)
    Optional. list of work item identifiers. If it is empty then the command will get the work item identifiers in the SCM.

step([$class: 'PCDeployNotifier']): PingCode: create deploy record

  • tagged : boolean
  • releaseName : String (optional)
    The name of the release. You can use environment variables for dynamic variable substitution in the name.
    For example: release-${BUILD_ID}, which means that the release name is dynamically generated using the BUILD_ID. All environment variables injected by the plugin can be used. If the environment variable does not exist, the source character will be retained.
  • environmentName : String (optional)
    The name of environment that the code will be deployed to. If the environment does not exist, the plugin will automatically create.
  • releaseUrl : String (optional)
    Optional. A URL that can view the detail deployment results. If it is empty, no related links are displayed in PingCode.
  • specifiedWorkItems : String (optional)
    Optional. list of work item identifiers. If it is empty then the command will get the work item identifiers in the SCM.

step([$class: 'WTBuildNotifier']): Worktile: create build record

  • overview : String (optional)
    A regular expression is used to match the result summary in the build output for display in PingCode.

    For example: The following is part of the build output in Jenkins:

    # utilities ✓ #PLM-1239 isSha, input '0-9a-fA-F' * 40, true
    ✓ #PLM-1239 isSha, input '0-9a-fA-F' * 39, false
    ✓ #PLM-1239 isSha, input '0-9a-fA-F' * 41, false
    ✓ #PLM-1239 isSha, input ' ' + '0-9a-fA-F' * 39, false
    ✓ #PLM-1239 isSha, input '0-9a-fA-F' * 39 + ' ', false
    ✓ #PLM-1239 isSha, input '0-9a-fA-F' * 1 + '0-9a-fA-F ' * + '0-9a-fA-F' * 1, true

    720 passing (10s)

    If you want to display the line 720 passing (10s) on PingCode Agile Project, you need to enter ^.*passing in the input box. PingCode jenkins plugin will match this line from the build result according to your input regular expression and send it to PingCode.

  • defaultSummary : String (optional)
    If no information can be matched from the result logs, this value will be sent by default.
  • resultURL : String (optional)
    A url of result for display in pingcode. if empty, the jenkins console result url will be used.
    You can use environment variables for dynamic variable substitution in the url.
    For example: http://jenkins-host/result-${BUILD_ID}, which means that the url is dynamically generated using the BUILD_ID. All environment variables injected by the plugin can be used. If the environment variable does not exist, the source character will be retained.
  • specifiedWorkItems : String (optional)
    Optional. list of work item identifiers. If it is empty then the command will get the work item identifiers in the SCM.

step([$class: 'WTDeployNotifier']): Worktile: create deploy record

  • tagged : boolean
  • releaseName : String (optional)
    The name of the release. You can use environment variables for dynamic variable substitution in the name.
    For example: release-${BUILD_ID}, which means that the release name is dynamically generated using the BUILD_ID. All environment variables injected by the plugin can be used. If the environment variable does not exist, the source character will be retained.
  • environmentName : String (optional)
    The name of environment that the code will be deployed to. If the environment does not exist, the plugin will automatically create.
  • releaseUrl : String (optional)
    Optional. A URL that can view the detail deployment results. If it is empty, no related links are displayed in PingCode.
  • specifiedWorkItems : String (optional)
    Optional. list of work item identifiers. If it is empty then the command will get the work item identifiers in the SCM.

worktileBuildRecord: Send build result to worktile

  • defaultSummary : String (optional)
  • failOnError : boolean (optional)
  • overviewPattern : String (optional)
  • resultURL : String (optional)
  • specifiedWorkItems : String (optional)
  • status : String (optional)

worktileDeployRecord: Send deploy result to worktile

  • releaseName : String
  • environmentName : String
  • failOnError : boolean (optional)
  • isTagged : boolean (optional)
  • releaseURL : String (optional)
  • specifiedWorkItems : String (optional)
  • status : String (optional)

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